Saturday 14 November 2009


How often do you find yourself thinking that life is just too complicated? Every time I think that, I can usually come to the conclusion that my life wouldn’t be so complicated or stressful if I would just do what I’m supposed to do. You all know what I mean I’m sure, but here’s an example that most of you will be able to grasp pretty easily. Procrastination. Yup, that’s it. The #1 cause of stress in my life is me procrastinating the things I need to do. Think about it, when we put things off then we have to do them later with less time. That may fly for some people but when I take into account that I am supposed to do all things unto the glory of God, and a personal belief of striving for excellence, I can’t just do a poor job on whatever it is I’m doing. So now I’m trying to do an excellent job on something that I’ve been putting of till the last minute, this equals stress.

There are some things in life that are inherently simple that too often we complicate. Take for example the gospel. It’s really not complicated. But maybe you’re not so eloquent, or you don’t feel called to be an evangelist. Maybe you’re more of an action person like me, you like to serve people. It’s been said that we may be the only bible people ever read, so let’s make a statement with our actions. Let’s get out there and go and just love on people. Serve in a soup kitchen, put together food packs for the homeless, go to Africa and run around with some orphans. Maybe that’s why I like the gospel of Mark so much because in it you get a great look at Jesus going places and taking action and serving people (I’ve given it a second title of “Jesus Christ, Man of Action, God of Compassion!). Micah 6:8 says to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. Let’s not complicate things. Mark 12:30-31 gives us the greatest commandments, which are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and the second says to love your neighbor as yourself. I don’t know about you, but I sure love myself a lot, so I need to love my neighbors with that same amount of love. Certainly I wouldn’t allow myself to starve, so why am I letting my neighbor go hungry? Heck, I won’t even drink water out of the tap most the time, it’s bottled for me, but I’m ok with letting people in Africa drink muddy, polluted water? Enough is enough, it’s not hard, lets get out there and do something.

Rhetoric can't raise the dead
I'm sick of always talking when there's no change
Rhetoric can't raise the dead
I'm sick of empty words, let's lead and not follow

Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance

That's my perspective

Ben Peters

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